For the initial opening scene we wanted to create a party scene to open to narrative, because we had already worked out and planned the shots we required to tell the narrative it was quite easy to follow through and carry out. We used a strobe light to create the party atmosphere, giving the look of flashing lights and the underlying thought that the viewer cannot see all that's going on on screen. The shot is simple focusing on Jack the main character, with a wide shot showing both jack and his surrounding setting the scene for the video which we found to be used quite a lot in music videos. The styling of jack in 'indie' and fits in well with the genre of music. We felt Jack as a character pulled of the look we required well knowing that the characters in each music video should look like they actually belonged there. The editing followed the fast past of the music and was in time with the eh oh fragment in the song. they lightening setting and character all looked appropriate for the song and the imagery of the band when you first hear the track. The is thew most dominate to all the video we have seen that the video suits the imagery the song creates and this is what we have tried to do and feel we were quite successful.

The bedroom shot at the beginning of shot one, was vital to create the story of waking up initially within the first few seconds, the idea that there was regret from the main character was achieved by using a variety of wide shots, close ups and POV to give a wide view of what the protagonist could see. The idea was to create a sense that jack was obviously who the song was about straight away.
The use of close ups mainly through the chorus we felt tied in well with the fact that jack was the protagonist and often there is quite a lot of focus in most videos and by using him singing the lyrics this ties in with the
usual music videos. For this we used really strong lighting to create the right amount of shadows for a strong shot, and different tones over Jack's face, emphasising Jack singing the lyrics. This highlights the lyrics of the song well and that the protagonist Jack is actually feeling the lyrics and their meaning, this is also shown in various music videos but especially one we took quite a lot of ideas from which was a Macabees track.

The lighting is similar in both shots and provides the right balance of light and dark tone in these shots.
The flash back shots are taken from point of view shots enhancing what is being seen by the protagonist, from the various shots like reaching for the draw, and reaching for the door handle.
We used a desaturation tool to change the lighting and look of the shots in order to show the difference of real time and flashbacks. The use of a hand held camera follows the story of the sexual encouter we felt this was most appropriate and shows the link with the prodigy smack my bitch up video, where the whole video is doubt hand held with a point of view shot.

This scene is quite a dominant scene within the video showing the problems the protagonist is having and how much doubt he is having for his actions. The shots has already been seen in other music videos and we felt the camera angles and chose of editing helps to portray exactly the distress the character is in. The water running off Jacks face we felt is quite a profound image.

This other close up shot of Jack smoking for me is the other main image of the video. I think that jack lighting a cigarette and smoking it is a good way of building the character that Jack is portraying. Smoking can be seen at a choice of relief and the stress that jack shows throughout the video we feel smoking was a good way of him De-stressing.

Digi pack

The album artwork for us had to tie in well with the imagery of the band and the type of music and which genre the band Delphic falls into. The colouring and the effects of the imagery of the band created a sense of not being able to see the full picture which also ties in with the music video. The main figures in the imagery are the of the band distorted. We took an image of the TV with the white fuzz and impose the image of the band on top of it. The artwork ties in with that of the Horrors primary colours album.

The album artwork for us had to tie in well with the imagery of the band and the type of music and which genre the band Delphic falls into. The colouring and the effects of the imagery of the band created a sense of not being able to see the full picture which also ties in with the music video. The main figures in the imagery are the of the band distorted. We took an image of the TV with the white fuzz and impose the image of the band on top of it. The artwork ties in with that of the Horrors primary colours album.

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